
Books and articles on genre and genre theory

Manet's Olympia (1865)
See here

Bakhtin, M. (1986). Speech Genres and other Late Essays. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Bawarshi, A. (2003). Genre and the Invention of the Writer: Reconsidering the Place of Invention in Composition. Utah State University Press.

Bazerman, C. (1994). “Systems of Genres and the Enactment of Social Institutions.” Genre and the New Rhetoric. Eds. Aviva Freedman and Peter Medway. London: Taylor. 79–101.

Bazerman, C. (1997). ‘The Life of Genre, the Life of the Classroom’ in Bishop, W. and Ostrom, H. eds.
Online at

Bazerman, C. (2002). 'Genre and Identity: Citizenship in the Age of the Internet and the Age of Global Capitalism' in Coe, R., Lingard, L, Teslenko, T. Eds.
Online at

Bazerman, C. (2003). 'Social Forms as Habitats for Action'16:2 (2003): 123-142. Journal of The Interdisciplinary Crossroads. 16.2: 123-142.
Online at

Bazerman, C. (2003). The Production of Information for Genred Activity Spaces'. Written Communication 20:4.
Online at

Bazerman, C. (2003). 'What is Not Institutionally Visible Does Not Count: The Problem of Making Activity Assessable, Accountable, and Plannable' in Bazerman, C. and Russel, D eds. Writing Selves/Writing SocietiesResearch from Activity Perspectives. Electronic book, see especially section 9).

Bazerman, C. (2004). 'Speech Acts, Genres, and Activity Systems: How Texts Organize Activities and People.' What Writing Does and How it Does it. Eds. Charles Bazerman and Paul Prior. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. 309–339.

Beebe, T. O. (1994). The Ideology of Genre: a Comparative Study of Generic Instability. Penn State University Press.

Berkinkotter, C. (1993). 'A "Rhetoric for Naturalistic Enquiry" and the Question of Genre.' Research in the Teaching of English, 27: 293-304.

Berkinkotter, C. and Huckin, T. (1995) Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Bett, W. (1988). The Jury Summation as a Speech Genre. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Bhatia, V. (1993). Analysing Genre. London/New York: Longman.

Bishop, W. and Ostrom, H. eds. (1997). Genre and Writing: Issues, Arguments, Alternatives. Portsmouth NH: Boynton/Cook Heinemann.

Bitzer, L. F. (1968). 'The rhetorical Situation'. Philosophy and Rhetoric, 1: 1-14.

Brent, D. (1994). 'Writing Classes, Writing Genres, and Writing Textbooks'. Textual Studies in Canada, 4: 5-15.

Brooke, R. and Jacobs, D. (1997). ‘Genre in Writing Workshops: Identity Negotiation and Student-Centred Writing’ in Bishop, W. and Ostrom, H. eds.

Campbell, K. and Jamieson, K. eds. (1978). Form and Genre: Shaping Rhetorical Action. Falls Church, VA: Speech Communication Association.

Carter, R. (1997). Investigating English Discourse. London: Routledge.

Chapman, M. (1994). ‘The Emergence of Genres: Some findings from an examination of first-grade writing’ in Written Communication 11.3 pp. 348-380.

Charney, D. and Carison, R. (1995). 'Learning to Write in a Genre: What Student Writers Take from Model Texts'. Research in the Teaching of English, 29.

Christie, F. (1986). ‘Writing in Schools: Generic Structures as Ways of Meaning’ in Couture, B. ed. Functional Approaches to Writing, London: Francis Pinter.

Christie, F. (1992). Literacy in Australia. Annual Review of Applied Lingusitics, 12: 142-55.

Coe, R., Lingard, L. and Teslenko, T. eds. (2002). The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Cohen, R. (1986). 'History and Genre'. New Literary History, 17: 203-18.

Cohen, R. (1991). ‘Genre Theory, Literary History, and Historical Change’ in Perkins, D. ed. Theoretical Issues in Literary History, Cambridge Mass.:Harvard U.P.

Colie, R.L. (1974). The Resources of Kind: Genre Theory in the Renaissance. University of California Press.

Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (1993). The Powers of Literacy: A Genre Approach to Teaching Writing. London/Washington: Falmer Press.

Derewianka, B. (1996). Exploring the Writing of Genres. Royston: United Kingdom Reading Association.

Derrida, J. (1981). 'The Law of Genre' in Mitchell, W. ed. On Narrative. Chicago University Press. And in Critical Enquiry, 7: 55-81 (1980).

Devitt, A. (1993) ‘Generalising about Genre: New Conceptions of an Old Concept’. College Composition and Communication 44.4: 573-86.

Devitt, A. (1996) ‘Genre, Genres and the Teaching of Genre’ (review) in College Composition and Communication 47.4: 605-615.

Devitt, A., Reiff, M.J. and Bawarshi, A. (2003). Scenes of Writing: Strategies for Composing with Genres. Longman.

Devitt, A. (2004). Writing Genres. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Dowd, G., Stevenson, L. and Strong, J. (2006). Genre Matters: Essays in Theory and Criticism. Exeter: Intellect Books.

Duff, D. (1999). Modern Genre Theory. Longman.

Fahnestock, J. (1993). 'Genre and Rhetorical Craft'. Research in the Teaching of English, 27,3: 50-56.

Freadman, A. (1994). 'Anyone for Tennis?' Genre and the New Rhetoric. London: Taylor and Francis, p. 43–66.

Freadman, A. (2002). 'Uptake.' The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. Eds. Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard, and Tatiana Teslenko. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. p. 39–53.

Freedman, A. and Medway, P. eds. (1994a). Genre and the New Rhetoric. London: Taylor.

Freedman, A. and Medway, P. eds. (1994b). Learning and Teaching Genre, Portsmouth NH, Boynton/Cook Heinemann.

Freedman, A., Adam, C. and Smart, G. (1994). 'Wearing Suits to Class: Simulating Genres and Simulation as Genre'. Written Communication, 11: 193-226.

Giltrow, J., & Stachan, W. (1996). '“What do you think?” Genre-based response to student-writing: Strategies from research'. Paper presented at the European Writing Conference Barcelona, Spain, October 23-25, 1996. Available as pdf from the SIG Writing Publications Archive.

Giltrow, J. (2002). 'Meta-Genre.' The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. Eds. Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard, and Tatiana Teslenko. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. p. 187–205.

Giltrow, J. (2003). Legends of the Centre: System, Self, and Linguistic Consciousness. Writing Selves/Writing Societies: Research from Activity Perspectives, eds. Charles Bazerman and David R. Russell. Electronic book at

Hanks, W. F. (1996). Language and communicative practices. Boulder, CO: Westview.
'Discourse Genres in a Theory of Praxis'.

Hasan, R. (1996). Ways of Seeing: Ways of Meaning. Cassell.
'Text and Context'
'Nursery Tale as Genre'

Halliday, M. and Hasan, R. (1985). Language, Context and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social Semiotic Perspective. Deakin University Press.
Hasan on genre and 'compositional structures'.

Herrington, A. and Moran, C. (2005). Genre Across The Curriculum. Utah State University Press.

*Hicks, D. (190). 'Narrative Skills and Genre Knowledge: Ways of Telling in the Primary School Grades'. Source not known.

Himley, M. (1986). ‘Genre as Generative: one perspective on one child’s early writing growth’ in Nystrand, M. ed. The Structure of Written Communication, New York, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Hyland, K. (2004). Genre and Second Language Writing. Michigan University Press.

Hyon, S. (1996). Genre in Three Traditions: Implications for ESL'. TESOL Quarterly, 30,4: 690-722.

Jamieson, K. (1975). 'Antecedent Genre as Rhetorical Constraint.' Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (Dec.): 406–15.

Johns, A. (1997). Text, Role, and Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Johns, A. (2001). Genre in the Classroom: Multiple Perspectives. Lawrence Erlbaum.

Knapp, P. and Watkins, M. (2005). Genre, Text, Grammar: Technologies for Teaching And Assessing Writing. UNSW Press.

Kress, G. (1999). 'Genre and the Changing Contexts for English Language Arts'. Language Arts, 76,6.

Kress, G and Knapp, P. (1994). ‘Genre in a Social Theory of Language’. English in Education 26.2: 4-15.

Kristeva, J. (1986). The Kristeva Reader. Ed. Moi, T. Oxford: Blackwell.
'The System and the Speaking Subject'
'Word, Dialogue and Novel'
'Revolution in Poetic Language'

Leckie-Tarry, H. (1995). Language and Context. A Functional Linguistic Theory of Register. London and New York: Pinter.

van Leeuwen, T. (1993). 'Genre and Field in Critical Discourse Analysis'. Discourse in Society, 4: 193-223.

Martin, J. and Rothery, J. (1986) ‘What a functional approach to the writing task can show teachers about "good writing"' in Couture, B. ed. Functional Approaches to Writing: Research Perspectives. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Martin, J. (1993). ‘Genre and Literacy – Modelling Context in Educational Linguistics’ in Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 13: 141-172.

Martin, J. and Christie, F. eds (1991). Genre And Institutions: Social Processes in the Workplace and School. Continuum.

Miller, C. (1984). ‘Genre as Social Action’. Quarterly Review of Speech, 70: 151-67. Reprinted in Freedman, A. and Medway, P. eds. (1994a).

Oliver, R. (1999). 'Another Look at Genre in the Teaching of Writing'. Paper presented at the International Federation for the Teaching of English Conference, University of Warwick, England. Revised version at

Orlikowski, W. and Yates, J. (1994) 'Genre Repertoire: The Structuring of Communicative Practices in Organizations.' Administrative Science Quarterly 39: 541–74.

Orlikowski, W. and Yates, J. (1998). 'Genre Systems: Structuring Interaction Through Communicative Norms'. MIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper #205. See here.

Paltridge, B. (1997). Genre, Frames and Writing in Research Settings. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pardoe, S. (2000). 'Respect and the Pursuit of 'Symmetry' in Researching Literacy and Student Writing' in Barton, D., Hamilton, M. and Ivanic, R. eds. Situated Literacies. London and New York: Routledge.

Prince, M. (1989). 'Literacy and Genre: Toward a Pedagogy of Mediation'. College English, 51: 730-49.

Reid, I. ed (1987). The Place of Genre in Learning: Current Debates. Geelong,Victoria: Centre for Studies in Literary Education.

Richardson, P. (1994). ‘Language as Personal Resource and as Social Construct: Competing Views of Literacy Pedagogy in Australia’ in Freedman,A. and Medway, P. eds. (1994b).

Riley, J. and Reedy, D. (2001). Developing Writing for Different Purposes: Teaching about Genre in the Early Years. Paul Chapman Publishing.

Rockwell, E. (2000). 'Teaching Genres: A Bakhtinian Approach'. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 31,3: 260-282. **

* Rosen, H. 'The Politics of Writing'. Source not known.

Rubin, R. (1996). ‘The Writing of Research Texts: Genre Analysis and its Applications’ in Rijlarsdam, G., van den Bergh, H. and Couzijn, M. eds. Effective Teaching and Learning of Writing. Amsterdam: Amsterdam U.P.

Russell, D. (1997). 'Rethinking Genre in School and Society: An Activity Theory Analysis.' Written Communication 14: 504–54.
Online at

Russell, D. (1997). 'Writing and Genre in Higher Education and Workplaces'. Mind, Culture and Activity, 4: 224-237.

Russell, D. (2002). 'The Kind-ness of Genre: an Activity Theory Analysis of High School Teachers' Perception of Genre in Portfolio Assessment Across the Curriculum'. In Coe, R., Lingard, J. and Teslenko, T.

Sawyer, W. (ed.). Teaching writing: is genre the answer? Springwood, NSW: Australian Education Network

Schryer, C. (1993). 'Records as Genre.' Written Communication 10: 200–34.

*Smart, G. and Jones, G. (2006). Writing the Economy: Activity, Genre And Technology in the World of Banking. Equinox Publishing.

Spinuzzi, C. (2003). Tracing Genres Through Organisations. MIT Press.

Swales, J. (1991). Genre Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge U.P.

Swales, J. (1993). 'Genre and Engagement'. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 71: 687-98.

*Tardy, C. (2003). 'A Genre System View of the Funding of Academic Research.' Written Communication 20: 7–36.

Threadgold, T. (1989). ‘Talking about Genre: Ideologies and Incompatible Discourses’ in Cultural Studies 3.1: 101-27.

Threadgold, T. (1994). 'Grammar, genre and the ownership of literacy.' Idiom, 2: 20-28.

Threadgold, T. and Kress, G. (1988). 'Toward a Social Theory of Genre.' Southern Review, Vol.21.3:215-243.

Todorov, T. (1990). Genres in Discourse. Cambridge University Press.

Ventola, E. (1989). 'Problems of Modelling and Applied Issues within the Framework of Genre'. Word, 40: 129-62.

Whitley, D. (2002). 'Writing Fables'. English in Education, 36,1: 17-24.

*Spinuzzi, C. (2003). Tracing genres through organisations: a sociocultural approach to information design. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Review at

Winsor, D. (1999). 'Genre and Activity Systems: The Role of Documentation in Maintaining and Changing Engineering Activity Systems.' Written Communication 16: 200–24. See for summary and more on genre and activity theory.

Yates, J. and Orlikowski, W. (1992). ‘Genres of Organizational Communication: a Structurational Approach’. Academy of Management Review 17: 299-326.

Yates, J. and Orlikowski, W. (2002). 'Genre Systems: Chronos and Kairos in Communicative Interaction.' The Rhetoric and Ideology of Genre. Eds. Richard Coe, Lorelei Lingard, and Tatiana Teslenko. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press. 103–121.

Language and Social Life

Goffman, I. (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Doubleday Anchor.

Goffman, I. (1981). Forms of Talk. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Sperber, D. and Wilson, D. (1986). Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Blackwell.


Breure, L. (2001). Development of the Genre Concept. plus glossary

Chandler, D. (1997). An Introduction to Genre Theory.


Books and articles on intertexuality

Cartoon from Collin Vs. Blog at
click to enlarge

Allen, G. (2000). Intertextuality. London: Routledge.

Aragay, M. (2005). Books in Motion. Adaptation, Intertextuality, Authorship. Rodopi Publishing.

Baumann, R. (2004). A World of Others' Words: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Intertextuality. Blackwell.

Bazerman, C. (2004). 'Intertextualities: Volosinov, Bakhtin, Literary Theory, and Literacy Studies' in Bakhtinian Perspectives on Languages, Literacy, and Learning. Ed. A. Ball & S. W. Freedman. Cambridge University Press, 2004: 53-65.
Online at

Bazerman, C. (2004). 'Intertexuality: How Texts Rely on Other Texts' in Bazerman, C. and Prior, P. eds. What Writing Does and How It Does It: An Introduction to Analyzing Texts and Textual Practices. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
And other papers in this volume.

Bell, A. (1991). The Language of News Media. Oxford, Blackwell.

Bloom, D. and Shuart-Faris, N. (2004). Uses of Intertextuality in Classroom and Educational Research. Information Age.

Briggs, C. and Baumann, R. (1992). 'Genre, Intertextuality and Social Power.' Journal of Lingusitic Anthroplogy, 2: 131-172.

Compagnon, A. (1979). La Seconde Main, ou le Travail de la Citation. Editions du Seuil.

Derrida, J. (1972). 'Signature Evenement Contexte' in Marges de la Philosophie. In Kamuf, P. ed. (1991). A Derrida Reader. New York: Columbia University Press.

Devitt, Amy. (1991). 'Intertextuality in Tax Accounting: Generic, Referential, and Functional.' Textual Dynamics of the Professions: Historical and Contemporary Studies of Writing in Professional Communities. Eds. Charles Bazerman and James Paradis. Madison: U of Wisconsin. P. 336–57.

El-Bisi, J. (2008). Critical Intertextuality. VDM Verlag.

Fairclough, N. (1992). Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press.
Chapter 4 'Intertextuality'.

Francois, F. (1998). Le Discours et ses Entours. Paris: L'Harmattan. Reprise-modification.

Francois, F. (2005). Interpretation et Dialogue Chez des Enfants et Quelques Autres. Lyon: ENS Editions.

Genette, G. (1992). The Architext: an Introduction. University of California Press.

Genette, G. (1998). Palimpsests. University of California Press.

Giltrow, J. (2001). 'Vagrant Voices: Summary, Citation, Authority'. Technostyle, 17,1.

Giltrow, J. and Lukmani, Y. (2004). 'Citation and "Difference"'. Paper presented at the CCCC conference, San Antonio.

Gunther, S. (1999). 'Polyphony and the 'layering of voices' in Reported Dialogue: an Analysis of the Use of Prosodic Devices in Everyday Reported Speech' in Journal of Pragmatics, 31 (5): 685-708.

Hengst, J. and Miller, P.J. (1999). 'The Hetrogeneity of Discourse Genres: Implications for Development'. World Englishes, 18 (3): 325-341.

Hicks, D. (1989). 'The Voices Within Narratives: the Development of Intertextuality in Young Children's Stories.' Discourse Processes, 12: 329-51.

Iedema, R. (2001). Resemioticization. Semiotica 137 (1): 23-39.

Ivanic, R. (2004). 'Intertextual Practices in the Construction of Multimodal Texts in Inquiry-based Learning' in Shuart-Faris, N. and Bloome, D. eds.

Hyland, K. (1999). 'Academic Attribution: Citation and the Construction of Disciplinary Knowledge'. Appplied Linguistics, 20,3: 341-367. Also chapter 2 in Disciplinary Discourses (see Academic Literacies).

Ivanic, R. (1998). Writing and Identity: The Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Chapter 2 and 7.

Kamberelis, G. and Danette Scott, K. (1992). 'Other People's Voices: the Coarticulation of Texts and Subjectivities'. Linguistics in Education, 4: 359-403.

Klooss, W. ed. (1998). Across the Lines.Intertextuality and Transcultural Communication in the New Literatures in English. ASNEL Papers. Rodopi bv Editions.

Kristeva, J. (1984). Revolution in poetic language. New York: Colombia University Press.

Lemke, J. (1992). 'Intertextuality and Educational Research'. Lingusitics in Education, 4: 257-267.

Linell, P. (1998). Approaching dialogue: Talk, interaction and contexts in dialogical perspectives. Amsterdam & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins.

Linell, P. (1998). 'Discourse across boundaries: On recontextualization and the blending of voices in professional discourse.' Text, 18: 143-157.

Lucy, J. (ed). (1993). Reflexive Language: Reported Speech and Metapragmatics. New York, Cambridge University Press.

Maisonnat, C. et al (2009). Rewriting/Reprising in Literature: The Paradoxes of Intertextuality. Cambridge Scholars.

Maybin, J. (2000). 'The New Literacy Studies: context, intertextuality, discourse' in Barton, D. et al. eds. Situated Literacies. London: Routledge. (Also on Bakhtin and the NLS).

Mayes, P. (1990). 'Quotation in Spoken English'. Studies in Language, 14,2: 325-363.

Meinhof, U. (2001). Intertextuality And The Media (From Genre To Everyday Life). Manchester University Press.

Moore Howard, R. (1999). Standing in the Shadow of Giants: Plagiarists, Authors, Collaborators. Ablex Publishing.
Review by Joel Bloch.

Myers, G. (1999). 'Functions of Reported Speech in Group Discussions'. Applied Linguistics, 20,3: 376-401.

Myers, G. (1999). 'Unspoken Speech: Hypothetical Reported Discourse and the Rhetoric of Everyday Talk' in Text, 19 (4): 571-90.

Norris, S. and Jones, R. (eds) (2005). Discourse in Action: Introducing Mediated Discourse Analysis. London, Routledge.

Orr, M. (2003). Intertextuality: Debates and Contexts. Polity Press.

Pennycook, A. (1996). 'Borrowing other’s words: Text, ownership, memory, and plagiarism'. TESOL Quarterly, 30: 201-30.
Also in 'Negotiating Academic Literacies'.

Prior, P. (1994). 'Response, Revision, Disciplinarity: a Microhistory of a Dissertation Prospectus in Sociology' in Written Communication, 11 (4): 483-533.

Prior, P. (1995). 'Tracing Authoritative and Internally Persuasive Discourse: a Case Study of Response, Revision, and Disciplinary Enculturation'. Research in the Teaching of English, 29 (3): 288-325.

Prior, P. (2001). 'Voices in Text, Mind and Society: Sociohistoric Accounts of Discourse Acquisition and Use' in Journal of Second Language Writing, 10 (1/2): 55-81.

Prior, P. and Hengst, J. (?). 'Exploring Reformulation as Multimodal Discourse Practice' in Recherches Lingusitiques, 29.

Prior, P., Hengst, J. and Roozen, K. (2006). '‘I’ll be the Sun’: From Reported Speech to Semiotic Remediation Practices'.Text and Talk, 26.6.

Ricoeur, P. (1968/2000). 'Structure, Word, Event' in The Conflict of Interpretations. Northwestern University Press. 79-96.
Scollon, R. (1994). 'As a matter of fact: the changing ideology of authorship and responsibilty in discourse'. World Englishes, 13, 34-46. *
Ricks, C. (2003). 'Plagiarism'. In Plagiarism in Early Modern England, ed. Paulina Kewes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Scollon, R. (1995). Plagiarism and ideology: Identity in intercultural discourse. Language in Society, 24: 1 - 28

Sherman, J. (1992). Your own thoughts in your own words. ELT Journal, 46: 190-198.

Shuart-Faris, N. and Bloome, D. (2004). Uses Of Intertextuality In Classroom and Educational Research. Information Age Publishing.
Tannen, D. (1989). Talking Voices: Repetition, Dialogue, and Imagery in Conversational Discourse. New York, Cambridge University Press.
Thompson, G and Ye, Y. (1991). 'Evaluation of the reporting verbs used in academic papers'. Applied Linguistics, 12: 365-82. *
Thompson, G. (1996). 'Voices in the text: discourse perspectives on language reports'. Applied Linguistics, 17: 501-30. *

Wertsch, J.V. (1991). Voices of the mind: A sociocultural approach to mediated action. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

Woodmansee, M. and Jaszi, P. (1994). The Construction of Authorship: Textual Appropriation in Law and Literature. Duke University Press.

Worton, M. and Still, J. eds. (1990). Intertextuality: Theories and Practices. Manchester University Press.
Chapter 3 by Riffaterre, M. 'Compulsory Reader Response: the Intertextual Drive'.

Bakhtin and Bakhtinian Perspectives

Books and articles on Mikhail Bakhtin and Bakhtinian approaches

Bakhtin, M. (1981). The Dialogic Imagination. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Bakhtin. M. (1984). Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics. University of Minnesota Press.

Bakhtin. M. (1984). Rabelais and his World. Indiana University Press.

Bakhtin, M. (1986). Speech Genres and Other Late Essays. Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press.

Bakhtin. M. (1990). Art and Answerability: Early Philosophical Essays. University of Texas Press.

Bakhtin, M. (1993). Toward a Philosophy of the Act. University of Texas Press.

Bakhtin, M. and Medvedev, P. (1978). The Formal Method in Literary Scholarship. John Hopkins University Press.

Volosinov, V. (1986). Marxism and the Philosophy of Language. Harvard University Press.

Volosinov, V. (1976). Freudianism: a Critical Sketch. Bloomingtom: Indiana University Press.
Includes 'Discourse in Life and Discourse in Art (Concerning Sociological Poetics)'.


Ball, A.F. and Freedman, S.W. (2004). Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Learning. Cambridge University Press.

Beasley Murray, T. (2007). Mikhail Bakhtin and Walter Benjamin: Experience and Form. Palgrave Macmillan.

Bernard-Donals, M. (1995). Mikhail Bakhtin: Between Phenomenology and Marxism. Cambridge UP.

Bostad, F., Brandist, C. and Sigfred, L.E. (2005). Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language and Culture : Meaning in Language, Art and New Media. Palgrave Macmillan.

Dentith, S. (2005). Bakhtinian Thought : An Introductory Reader. Routledge.

Dysthe, O. (1996). 'The Multivoiced Classroom: Interactions of Writing and Classroom Discourse'. Written Communication, 13.3: 385-425.
Uses Bakhtin in US/Norway comparative classroom study.

Dysthe, O. (1999). 'Dialogue Theory as a Tool for Understanding Interactive Learning Processes'. Literacy and Numeracy, 9:1.

Emerson, C. (1986). 'The Outer Word and Inner Speech: Bakhtin, Vygotsky, and the Internalization of Language'. In Morson, ed.
Emerson, C. (1997). The First Hundred Years of Mikhail Bakhtin. Princeton University Press.

Farmer, F. ed. (1998). Landmark Essays on Bakhtin, Rhetoric and Writing. Hermagoras Press.

Flanagan, M. (2009). Bakhtin and the Movies. Palgrave.

Freedman, S.W. (1995). 'Crossing the bridge to practice: Rethinking the theories of Vygotsky and Bakhtin'. Written Communication, 12, 1: 74-92.

Gardiner, M. (2002). The Dialogics of Critique: M. M. Bakhtin and the Theory of Ideology. Taylor and Francis.

Halasek, K. (1999). A Pedagogy of Possibility: Bakhtinian Perspectives on Composition Studies. Southern Illinois University Press.

Hall, J. et al. (2004). Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives. Routledge.

Haynes, D. (2008). Bakhtin and the Visual Arts. Cambridge UP.

Hirschkop, K. (1999). Mikhail Bakhtin: an Aesthetic for Democracy. Oxford University Press.

Hirschkop, K. and Shepherd, D. (2002). Bakhtin and Cultural Theory. Manchester University Press.

Holquist, M. (1990). Dialogism. Routledge.

Howard, J. (1994). Reading Gothic Fiction: A Bakhtinian Approach. Clarendon.

Lensmire, T. and Beals, D. (1994). 'Appropriating Others' Words: Traces of Literature and Peer Culture in a Third-Graders Writing'. Language in Society, 23,3: 411-426.
Uses Bakhtinian notion of 'appropriation'.

Linell, P. (1998). 'Discourse across boundaries: recontextualisation and the blending of voices in professional discourse'. Text, 18 (143-157) and whole edition.

Linell, P. (2001). Approaching Dialogue: Talk, Interaction and Contexts in Dialogical Perspectives. John Benjamins.

Linell,P. , Markova, I. and Grossen, M. (2005). Dialogue in Focus Groups: Exploring Socially Shared Knowledge. Equinox.

Linell, P. and Valsiner, J. (2009). Rethinking Language, Mind, and World Dialogically. Information Age.

Mandelker, A. (1995). Bakhtin in Contexts Across the Disciplines. Northwestern University Press.

Markova, I. (2005). Dialogicality and Social Representations: The Dynamics of Mind. Cambridge UP.

Morson, G. ed. (1986). Bakhtin: Essays and Dialogues on his Work. University of Chicago Press.

Morson, G. and Emerson, C. (1990). Mikhail Bakhtin: Creation of a Prosaics. Stanford University Press.

Pechey, G. (2007). Mikhail Bakhtin: The Word in the World. Routledge.

Pollard, R. (2008). Dialogue and Desire: Mikhail Bakhtin and the Linguistic Turn in Psychotherapy. Karnac.

Ponzio, A. (1998). La revolucion bajtiniana. Catedra, Spain.

Roth, W-M. (2009). Dialogism: A Bakhtinian Perspective on Science and Learning. Sense Publishing.

Schultz, E. (1990). Dialogue at the Margins: Whorf, Bakhtin, and Linguistic Relativity. University of Wisconsin Press.

Stewart, S. (1986). 'Shouts on the Street: Bakhtin's Anti-Linguistics'. In Morson, ed.

Tate, A. (1994). 'Bakhtin, Addressivity, and the Poetics of Objectivity' in Sell, R. and Vedonk, P. eds. Literature and the New Disciplinarity: Poetics, Lingusitics, History. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Editions Rodopi B.V.

Todorov, T. (1984). Mikhail Bakhtin: The Dialogical Principle. University of Minnesota Press.


The Bakhtin Centre at the University of Sheffield.

Literacy and Discourse Studies

Books, articles and links on literacy studies, discourse analysis, semiotics, and writing as social and cultural practice

Barton, D. (1994). Literacy: an Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language. Oxford: Blackwell.

Barton, D. and Ivanic, R. (1991). Writing in the Community. London: Sage.

Barton, D., Hamilton, M. and Ivanic, R. eds. (2000). Situated literacies: Reading and writing in context. London and New York: Routledge.

Bazerman, C. (1988). Shaping Written Knowledge: The Genre and Activity of the Experimental Article in Science. University of Wisconsin Press.

Bazerman, C. and Russell, D. eds. (2003). Writing Selves/Writing Societies: Research from Activity Perspectives. Electronic book at

Bazerman, C. and Prior, P. (2004). What Writing Does and How it Does it. Lawrence Erlbaum. Ch. 4 on Intertextuality, ch. 7 on writing practices, ch. 11 on genres.

Baynham, M. (1995). Literacy Practices: Investigating Literacy in Social Contexts. London: Longman.

Brandt, D. (1990). Literacy as Involvement: The Acts of Writers, Readers, and Texts. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Brandt, D. (1995). 'Sponsors of Literacy'. College Composition and Communication, 49: 165-185.

Brandt, D. (2001). Literacy in American Lives. New York: Cambridge UP.

Brandt, D. and Clinton, K. (2002). 'Limits of the Local: Expanding Perspectives on Literacy as Social Practice'. Journal of Literacy Research, 34,3.

Cameron, D. (1995). Verbal Hygiene. Routledge.

de Castell, S., Luke, A. and Egan, K. (1986). Literacy, Society, and Schooling : A Reader. Cambridge University Press.

de Certeau, M. (1984). The Practice of Everyday Life. University of California Press.
Chapter X, 'The Scriptural Economy'.

Chin, E. (1994). 'Redefining "context' in research on writing'. Written Communication, 11: 45-82.

Clark, R. and Ivanic, R. (1997). The Politics of Writing. Routledge.

Cope, B. and Kalantzis, M. (2000). Multiliteracies. Literacy Learning and the Design of Social Futures. London and New York: Routledge.

Dias, P, Freedman, A., Medway, P. and Pare, A. eds. (1999). Worlds Apart: Acting and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts. Mahwah, NJ and London: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Dias, P. and Pare, A. eds. (2000). Transitions. Writing in Academic and Workplace Settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Duranti, A. (Ed.). (2004). A companion to linguistic anthropology. Malden, MA & Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Duranti, A. & Goodwin, C. Eds.(1992). Rethinking context: Language as an interactive phenomenon. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Farr, M. and Nardini, G. (1996). ‘Essayist Literacy and Sociolinguistic Difference’ in White, E., Lutz, W. and Kamusikiri, S. eds. Assessment of Writing: Politics, Policies, Practices, New York, MLAA.

Freire, P. and Machado, D. (1987). Literacy: Reading the Word and the World. London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Gee, J.P. (1996). Social Linguistics and Literacies. Falmer Press.

Goncu, A. (ed). (1999). Children's Engagement in the World: Sociocultural Perspectives. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Goodman, S., Lillis, T, Maybin, J. and Mercer, N. (2003). Language, Literacy and Education: a Reader. Trentham Books.
Includes Street 'Implications of the NLS' paper.

Graff, H. (1979/1991). The Literacy Myth. Transaction Publishers.

Graff, H. (1995). The Labyrinths of Literacy: Reflections on Literacy Past and Present. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Haas, Christina. (1996). Writing technology: Studies in the materiality of writing. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum

Halliday, M.A.K. and Hasan, R. (1989). Language, Context and Text: Aspects of Language in a Social-Semiotic Perspective (Second Edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press. For introduction to systemic functional linguistics see here

Hanks, W.F. (2000). Intertexts: Writings on Language, Utterance, and Context. Rowman and Littlefield.
Chapter 6: 'Text and Textuality'.

*Huot, B., Stroble, B. and Bazerman, C. eds. (2004). Multiple Literacies for the 21st Century. Creskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Mackey, M. (2002). Literacies Across Media: Playing the Text. London: Routledge.

Heath, S.B. (1983). Ways with Words: Language, Life and Work in Communities and Classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hodge, R. and Kress, G. (1979). Language as Ideology. Routledge.

Kalman, J. (1999). Writing on the Plaza: Mediated Literacy Practices among Scribes and Clients in Mexico City. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Kostouli, T. ed. (2005). Writing in context(s). Textual practices and learning processes in sociocultural settings. New York: Springer. See abstracts at

Kress, G. (1997). Before writing: Rethinking the paths to literacy. London and New York: Routledge.

Kress, G. (2003). Literacy and the new media age. London and New York: Routledge.

Lankshear, C. ed. (1997). Changing Literacies. Buckinghamshire: Open University Press.

Latour, B. (1993). We Have Never Been Modern. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Lemke, J. (1995). Textual Politics: Discourse and Social Dynamics. Taylor and Francis.
Contents and bib at

Mace, J. (2002). The Give and Take of Writing. UK National Institute of Adult Continuing Education.

Martin-Jones, M. & Jones, K. (Eds.). Multilingual literacies. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Includes paper by Charmian Kenner on writing in a multilingual nursery.

Mukherjee, A. and Vasanta, D. eds. (2003). Practice and Research in Literacy. Delhi and London: Sage.

New London Group. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures'. Harvard Educational Review. 66: 60-92.

Nystrand, M. (1986). The structure of written communication: Studies in reciprocity between writers and readers. Orlando, FL: Academic Press

Nystrand, M. (1989). 'A social interactive model of writing'. Written Communication, 6: 66-85.

van Peel, W. (1989). ‘The Invisible Textbook: Writing as a Cultural Practice’ in De Castell, S., Luke, A., Luke, C. Language, Authority and Criticism: Readings in the School Text Book. Falmer Press.

Prinsloo, M. and Breier, M. (1996). The Social Uses of Literacy: Theory and Practice in Contemporary South Africa. John Benjamins/Sached Books.

Prior, P. (1998). Writing/Disciplinarity: A sociohistoric account of literate activity in the academy. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Scollon, R. and Scollon, S. (1981). Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Scollon, R. and Scollon, S.W. (1995). Intercultural Communication. Blackwell.

Scollon, R. and Scollon, S.W. (2003). Discourses in Place: Language in the Material World. Routledge.

Scribner, S. and Cole, M. (1981). The Psychology of Literacy. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Siskin, C. (1998). The Work of Writing. Literature and Social Change in Britain 1700-1830. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins University Press.

Street, B. (1984). Literacy in Theory and Practice. Cambridge University Press.

Street, B. ed. (1993). Cross-cultural Approaches to Literacy. Cambridge University Press.

Street, B. (1995). Social Literacies: Critical Approaches to Literacy in Development, Ethnography and Education. London and New York, Longman.

Street, B. (2003). 'What's 'New' in New Literacy Studies? Critical Approaches to Literacy in Theory and Pracice'. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 5:2.
See 'Literacy, Education, and Development: Reflections from the World Literacy Series' at

Street, B. ed. (2005). Literacies across Educational Contexts; mediating, learning and teaching. Caslon Press.

Trachsel, M. (1992). Institutionalizing Literacy. The Historical Role of College Entrance Examinations in English. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.

Trimbur, J. (2001). Popular Literacy. Studies in Cultural Practices and Poetics. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Vincent, D. (2000). The Rise of Mass Literacy: Reading and Writing in Modern Europe. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Witte, S. P. (1992). Context, text, intertext: Toward a constructivist semiotic of writing. Written Communication, 9, 237-308.


Social Practices/Situated Learning/Activity Theory

Engestrom, Y, Miettinen, R. and Punamaki, R-L. (1999). Perspectives on Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.

Goffman, E. (1959). The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. New York: Doubleday Anchor.

Goffman, E. (1974). Frame Analysis: an Essay on the Organization of Experience. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Goffman, E. (1981). Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: PENN University Press.

Lave, J. and Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge University Press.

Leontiev, A.N. (1978). Activity, Consciousness, and Personality. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Russell, D. R. (1995). 'Activity theory and its implications for writing instruction'. In J. Petraglia (Ed.) Reconceiving writing, rethinking writing instruction. (pp. 51-77). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Scahtzki, T. (2002). The Site of the Social. A Philosophical Account of the Constitution of Social Life and Change. Penn State University Press.

Schutz, A. & Luckmann,T. (1973). The structures of the life-world. Evanston IL: Northwestern University Press. Especially on 'typification' and social practices.

Vygostky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society. Harvard University Press.

Vygostsky, L.S. (1986). Thought and Language. MIT Press.

Wenger, E. (1998, retrieved April 2006). Communities of practice: Learning as a social system. (First published in Systems Thinker, June 1998).

Semiotics/Social Semiotics

Bal, M. (1994). On Meaning-making. Polebridge Press.

Culler, J. (1981). The Pursuit of Signs. Routledge.

Hodge, R. and Kress, G. (1988). Social Semiotics. Polity Press.

Thibault, P. (1991). Social Semiotics as Praxis: Text, Social Meaning Making and Nabakov's Ada. University of Minnesota Press.

Histories of Writing

Baron, N. (2000). Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading. Routledge.

Writing and Science

Bazerman, C. (1988) see above.

Fahnestock, J. (1986). 'Accommodating science: The rhetorical life of scientific facts'. Written Communication, 3: 275-296

Halliday, M.A.K. and Martin, J. R. (1993). Writing Science - Literacy and Discursive Power. London: Falmer Press.

*Knorr-Cetina, K. (1981). The Manufacture of Knowledge. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

*Halloran, S. (1984). 'The birth of molecular biology: an essay in the rhetorical criticism of scientific discourse'. Rhetoric Review, 3: 70-83.

Latour, B. and Woolgar, S. (1979). Laboratory Life: the Social Construction of Scientific Facts. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

Martin, J. (1985). Factual Writing: Exploring and Challenging Social Reality. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Myers, G. (1990). Writing Biology: Texts in the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press.



Lancaster Literacy Research Centre


Books and articles on multimodal approaches to texts and textual practices

See my own blog on multimodality at

Bolter, J. and Grusin, R. (1999). Remediation: Understanding New Media. Cambridge. Mass: MIT.

Finnegan, R. (2002). Communicating: the Multiple Modes of Human Interconnection. London and New York: Routledge.

Floch, J-M. (2000). Visual Identities. Continuum.

Gardner, H. (1982). Artful Scribbles. Basic Books.
Children's drawings and 'copying' from models.

Golomb, C. (2002). Child Art in Context: A Cultural and Comparative Perspective. American Psychological Association.

Heath, S.B. (2000). 'Seeing our Way into Learning'. Cambridge Journal of Education, 30,1: 121-131.

Jewitt, C. (2005). Technology, Literacy, Learning: A Multimodal Approach. Routledge.

Jewitt, C. and Kress, G. (2003). Multimodal Literacy. Peter Lang Publishing.

Kress, G. (2003). Literacy in the New Media Age. London and New York: Routledge.

Kress, G. ed. (2004). English in Urban Classrooms: A Multimodal Perspective on Teaching and Learning. Routledge.

Kress, G. (2005). Multimodality. Routledge.

Kress, G. and van Leeuwen, T. (1996). Reading Images: The Grammar of Visual Design. London and New York, Routledge.

Kress, G. and van Leeuwen, T. (2001). Multimodal Discourse: the Modes and Media of Contemporary Communication. London: Arnold.

Kress, G., Jewitt, C., Ogborn, J. and Tsatsaelis, C. (2001). Multimodal teaching and learning: The rhetorics of the science classroom. London and New York: Continuum.

van Leeuwen, T. (2000). 'It was just like magic - a multimodal analysis of children's writing'. Linguistics in Education, 10,3: 273-305.

LeVine, P. and Scollon, R. eds. (2004). Discourse and Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis (Georgetown University Round Table 2002 on Languages and Linguistics). Georgetown University Press.

New London Group. (1996). 'A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures'. Harvard Educational Review. 66: 60-92.

O'Halloran, K. ed. (2006). Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Systemic Functional Perspectives. Continuum.

Oliver, R. (2005). 'Writing “In Your Own Words”: Children’s Use of Information Sources in Research Projects’ in G. Rijlaarsdam, H. van den Bergh, M. Couzijn (eds.) Effective Learning and Teaching of Writing. Amsterdam: Kluwer. (Revised version available at

Oliver, R. (2005). 'Writing as Design: Rethinking Writing from a Multimodal Perspective'. Paper presented at the Learning Conference, Grenada, Spain, 10-14 July.

Ormerod, F. and Ivanic, R. (2000). 'Texts in practices: Interpreting the physical characteristics of children’s project work'. In Barton, D., Hamilton, M. and Ivanic, R. (Eds.). Situated literacies: Reading and writing in context. London and New York: Routledge.

Ormerod, F. and Ivanic, R. (2001). 'Materiality in children’s meaning-making practices'. Visual Communication, 1: 65-9.

Raney, K. (1994). Visual Literacy: Issues and Debates. Middlesex University.

Selfe, C. (2006). Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers. Hampton Press.

SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association UK), ‘The Patchwork Text: a Radical Re-assessment of Coursework Assignments’, in Innovations in Education and Teaching International (IETI), 40: 2.

Sharples, M. (1999). How We Write: Writing as Creative Design. London and New York: Routledge.

Shipka, J. (2005). 'A Multimodal Task-Based Framework for Composing'. College Composition and Communication, 57: 277-306.

Tonfoni, G. (2000). Writing as a Visual Art. Exeter: Intellect.

Yancey. K.B. (2004). ‘Made Not Only in Words: Composition in a New Key’. College Composition and Communication, 56: 2.

See the National Council for the Teaching of English Statement on Multimodal Literacy.

(See also 'Alternative Forms of Discourse' under 'Writing/Learning to Write' and the section on 'Intertextuality')

International Writing

Books and articles on writing, language and literacy from international and cross-national perspectives

Connor, U. (1996). Contrastive Rhetoric. Cambridge University Press.

Donohue, T. (2007). Ecrire à l’Université: Analyse Comparée en France et aux Etats-Unis. Paris: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

G. Eigler & Th. Jechle eds. (1993). Writing: Current Trends in European Research. Freiburg: HochschulVerlag.

Foster, D. and Russell, D. eds. (2002). Writing and Learning in Cross-National Perspective. NCTE/Lawrence Erlbaum.

Foster, D. (2006). Writing with Authority: Students' Roles as Writers in Cross-National Perspective. Southern Illinois University Press.

Freedman, S.W. (1994). Exchanging Writing, Exchanging Cultures. NCTE/Harvard University Press.

Li, X. (1996). 'Good Writing' in Cross Cultural Context. New York: State University of New York.
Mao, L. (2007). Reading Chinese Fortune Cookie. The Making of Chinese American Rhetoric. Utah State University Press.

Oliver, R. (2003). 'What can cross-cultural research tell us about student writing? Perspectives and questions from a study of writing about Literature in Europe'. Paper presented at the Conference on College Composition and Communication Annual Convention, New York.
Notes and handouts for this presentation at

Pratt, M.L.. (1992). Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation. London: Routledge.

Purves, A. and Purves, W. (1986). 'Viewpoints: Cultures, Text Models, and the Activity of Writing'. Research in the Teaching of English, 20: 174-197.

Scollon, R. and Scollon, S. (1995). Intercultural Communication. Oxford: Blackwell.

Mark Shiu-kee Shum & De-Lu Zhang eds. (2005). Teaching writing in Chinese speaking areas. New York: Springer. See abstracts at [This site has been down recently. More over this book here.

Tulasiewicz, W. and Adams, A. eds. (1998). Teaching the Mother Tongue in a Multilingual Europe. Cassell.

Serena Lay Tin Tan Yew and Lesley Farrell (n.d.), 'The Root of the Confusion: Identity', paper about Hong Kong students and academic writing at an Australian university. Online at
this html page.

Comparative Education

Bourdieu, P. (1967). 'Systems of Education and Systems of Thought'. International Sociological Science Journal, 19,3: 338-358.



Extra, G. and Yagmur, K. (2004). Urban Multilingualism in Europe. Multilingual Matters.

The Multilingual Cities Project studied immigrant minority languages in six cities - The Hague, Brussels, Hamburg, Lyon, Madrid and Gothenburg. Report at
See also related UNESCO pdf document at

Extra, G. and Gorter, D. (eds.). The Other Languages of Europe. Demographic, Sociolinguistic and Edicational Perspectives. Clevedon/Buffalo/Toronto/Sydney: Multilingual Matters.
Review at

Phillipson, R. (2003). English-only Europe? Challenging Language Policy. Routledge.
Includes text of the Declaration of Oegstgeest in 2000.

Portante, D. (2002). 'Developing Multilingual Literacy in a Complex Setting: Suggested Principles for Building a Crossnational Research Agenda'. Paper from IRA Conference Edinburgh 2002 at

de Swaan, A. (2004). 'Endangered Languages, Sociolinguistics, and Linguistic Sentimentalism'.
at plus see notes and refs.


International Literacy

Key findings of the last IEA Reading Survey at Last survey was 1985-1994.

PIRLS (an International Perspective on Fostering Reading Development). Primary school international reading survey at and Progress in Reading International Literacy Study at


International Understanding

Stover, E. and Weinstein, H. eds. (2003). My Neighbour, My Enemy: Justice and Community in the Aftermath of Mass Atrocity. Cambridge University Press. See here.

Academic Literacies

Books, articles and links on academic literacies Angèlil-Carter, S. (2000). Stolen language?: Plagiarism in Writing. Harlow, England: Pearson Education.

Andrews, R. 'The End of the Essay?' Teaching in Higher Education, 8, 1: 117-128.
Originally paper presented at 'Genres and Discourses' conference, Oslo 2001.

Ballinger, G. (2002). 'Bridging the Gap Between A Level and Degree. Some Observations on Managing the Transitional Stage in the Study of English Literature.' Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2: 99-109.

Bartholomae, D. (1985). 'Inventing the University' in Rose, M. ed. When A Writer Can't Write. New York: Guilford, 1985.

Bazerman, C., Little, J., Bethel, L., Chavkin, T., Fouquette, D. and and Garufis, J. (2005). Reference Guide to Writing Across the Curriuculum. Parlor Press/WAC Clearinghouse.
History of WAC, WAC and writing-to-learn theory, relations WAC and rhetoric of science/WID, programme types, best practice. Superb resource. At

Bean, J. (1996). Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Becher, T. (1989). Academic Tribes and Territories: Intellectual Enquiry and the Cultures of Disciplines. Milton Keynes: SRHE/OUP.

Bizzell, P. (1993). Academic Discourse and Critical Consciousness. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Bourdieu, P. (1994). Academic Discourse. Polity Press.

Canagarajah, A.S. (2002). A Geopolitics of Academic Writing. University of Pittsburgh Press.

Casanave, C.P. (2002). Writing Games: Multicultural Case Studies of Academic Literacy Practices in Higher Education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Chiseri-Strater, E. (1991). Academic Literacies: The Public and Private Discourse of University Students. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.

Creme, P. (2000). 'The 'Personal' in University Writing: Uses of Reflective Learning Journals' in Stierer, B. and Lea, M. eds.

Creme, P. and Hunt, C. (2002). 'Creative Participation in the Essay Writing Process'. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 1: 145-66.

Dysthe, O. (2001). 'The Mutual Challenge of Writing Research and the Teaching of Writing'. Keynote address at the inaugural conference of the European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing (EATAW), Groningen.

Ganobscik Williams, L. (2006). Teaching Academic Writing in UK Higher Education: Theories, Practices and Models. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Geisler, C. (1992). 'Exploring Academic Literacy: an Experiment in Composing'. College Composition and Communication, 43,1: 39-54.

Geisler, C. (1994). Academic Literacy and the Nature of Expertise: Reading, Writing and Knowing in Academic Philosophy. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Giltrow, J. (2002). Academic Writing: Writing and Reading Across the Disciplines (Third Edition). Broadview Press.

Giltrow, J. (2002). Academic Reading: Reading and Writing Across the Disciplines (Second Edition). Broadview Press.

Giltrow, J., Burgoyne, D., Gooding, R. and Sawatsky, M. (2005) Academic Writing: An Introduction. Broadview Press.

Gosden, H. (1995). 'Success in Research Article Writing and Revision: a Social-Constructionist Perspective.' English for Specific Purposes, 14,1: 37-57.

Herrington, A. and Moran, C. (1992). Writing, Teaching, and Learning in the Disciplines. New York: MLA.

Horner, B. and Lu, Min-Zhan. (1999). Representing the 'Other': Basic Writers and the Teaching of Basic Writing. Urbana, Il: NCTE.

Hounsell, D. (2005). 'Contrasting Conceptions of Essay-Writing' in The Experience of Learning Marton, F., Hounsell, D. and Entwistle, N. eds.

Hyland, K. (2000). Disciplinary Discourses: Social Interactions in Academic Writing. Longman.

Ivanic, R. (1998). Writing and Identity: The Discoursal Construction of Identity in Academic Writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Kam, A. and Meinama, T. (2005). 'Teaching Academic Writing to International Students in an Interdisciplinary Writing Context: A Pedagogical Rough Guide'. Across the Disciplines.

Kruiningen, J. (1998). 'What is a Paper? Divergent Views of Faculty on Genres in Academic Writng and the (Un)Clarity in Writing Assignments in the Teaching of Writing'. Paper presented at the EARLI SIG Writing Conference, Poitiers, July 2-4 1998.

Lea, M. (1994). '"I thought I could write until I came here": Student writing in higher education' in Graddol, D. and Thomas, S. eds. Language in a Changing Europe. 64-72.

Lea, M. and Street, B. (2000). 'Student Writing and Staff Feedback in Higher Education: an Academic Literacies Approach' in Stierer, B. and Lea, M eds.

Lillis, T. (1997). 'New Voices in Academia? The Regulative Nature of Academic Writing Conventions'. Language in Education, 11,3: 182-199.

Lillis, Theresa M. (2001). Student Writing: Access, Regulation,Desire. London: Routledge.

Marsh, M. (2004). 'Difference and Dialogue: the Voices of some English A level Students. A Study of the Development of Academic Literacy at AS/A Level in the Context of Widening Participation. Project Report, University College London.

Moore Howard, Rebecca. (1999). Standing in the Shadow of Giants: Plagiarists, Authors, Collaborators. Ablex Publishing.

Parker, J. (2002). A New Disciplinarity: Communities of Knowledge, Learning and Practice. Teaching in Higher Education, 7,4: 373-386.

Peck Macdonald, S. (1994). Professional Academic Writing in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Southern Illinois University Press.

Pratt, M.L. (1991). 'Arts of the Contact Zone'. Profession '91, 33-40.
Reprinted in Zamel and Spack 'Negotiating Academic Literacies'.

Prior, P. (1998). Writing/Disciplinarity. A Sociohistoric Account of Literate Activity in the Academy. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Jones, C, Turner, J. and Street, B. eds. (1999). Student Writing in the University: Cultural and Epistemological Issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Pardoe, S. (2000). 'A Question of Attribution: the Indeterminacy of 'Learning from Experience' in Stierer, B. and Lea, M. eds.

Riddle, M. & Mitchel, S. (1996). 'The Undergraduate Dissertation: Improving the Quality of Argument'. Paper presented at the European Writing Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 23-25, 1996. Available as pdf file at SIG writing Publications Archive.

Van Rensburg, W. (2004). 'Writing partnerships: academic writing and service-learning' in L. Allal & J. Dolz eds. , Proceedings Writing 2004 CD [EARLI SIG writing Geneva) . Adcom Production. Available as pdf at EARLI SIG publication archives.

Rimmershaw, R. (1993). 'Students’ changing conceptions of academic writing' in G. Eigler & Th. Jechle eds. (1993). Writing: Current Trends in European Research (pp. 245–255). Freiburg: HochschulVerlag. Available as pdf on the SIG writing publications archive at

Scollon, R. and Scollon, S. B. K. (1981). Narrative, Literacy and Face in Interethnic Communication. Norwood, NJ: Ablex.

Scott, M. (1997). 'The 'Pedagogic Relation' in Accounts of Student Writers' Needs and Difficulties' in Gibbs, G. Improving Student Learning: Theory and Practice. Oxford Brookes University/OCSLD.

Scott, M. (1999). 'Agency and Subjectivity in Student Writing' in Jones, C., Turner, J. and Street, B. eds.

Scott, M. (2000). 'Student, Critic and Literary Text: a Discusion of 'Critical Thinking' in a Student Essay'. Teaching in Higher Education, 5,3: 277-288.

Scott, M. (2000). Writing in Postgraduate Teacher Training: a Question of Identity' in Stierer, B. and Lea, M. eds.

Shaughnessy, M. (1979). Errors and Expectations : A Guide for the Teacher of Basic Writing. Oxford University Press.

Smith, K. (2002). 'School to University: Sunlit Steps or Stumbling in the Dark?' Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2: 90-98.

Stierer, B. and Lea, M. (2000). Student Writing in Higher Education: New Contexts. Open University Press: Buckingham/Society for Research into Higher Education.

Street, Brian. (1996). 'Academic Literacies' in Alternative Ways of Knowing: Literacies, Numeracies, Sciences. ed. Baker, D, Clay, J. and Fox, C. Falmer Press (pp 101-134).
Swales, John. (1998) Other Floors, Other Voices: A Textography of a Small University Building. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Thesen, L and van Pletzen, Ermien. (2006). Academic Literacy and the Languages of Change. Continuum. Case studies of student literacy at a South African university during a time of social, economic, political and institutional change.

Thompson, P. ed. (1999). Academic Writing Development in Higher Education: Perspectives, Explorations and Approaches. Reading: Centre for Applied Language Studies.

*Ventola, E. and Mauranen, A. eds. (1996). Academic Writing: Intercultural and Textual Issues. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Wiliams, B. ed (2007). Identity Papers: Literacy and Power in Higher Education. Utah State University Press.

Womack, P. (1993). 'What are essays for?' English in Education, 27,2: 42-59.

Zamel, V. and Spack, R. eds. (1998). Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning Across Languages and Cultures. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Mina Shaughnessy, Mike Rose, Min-zhan Lu 'From Silence to Words', Peter Elbow, mary Louise Pratt 'Arts of the Contact Zone', Lisa Delpit 'The Politics of Teaching Literate Discourse', Widdowson 'The Ownership of English', Pennycook 'Borrowing Others' Words'.

Histories of Academic Writing

Russell, D.R. (1990). 'Writing Across the Curriculum in Historical Perspective: Toward a Social Interpretation'. College English, 52: 52-73.

Russel, D. R. (1991). Writing in the Academic Disciplines 1870-1990: a Curricular History. Carnondale, Il: Southern Illinois University Press.

School > University Transitions

Harklau, L. (2001). 'From high school to college: Student perspectives on literacy practices'. Journal of Literacy Research. Online here.

Scalone, P. and Street, B. (2006). 'Academic Language Development Programme (Widening Participation)' in Leung, C. and Jenkins, J. eds. Reconfiguring Europe: the Contribution of Applied Linguistics, British Studies in Applied Linguistics Volume 20, BAAL/Equinox.
For a brief introduction to the Academic Language Development Programme at King's College London, see here.



Improving Argumentative Skills,
Sally Mitchell, Richard Andrews, Paul Prior (research project)

Writing Matters. A Report on Student Writing in Universities in the UK.
The Royal Literary Fund.

Writing Matters examines the difficulties many students face in writing effectively and proposes a range of measures to address these. The report argues that much greater attention should be paid to helping students adjust to the demands of writing at university and that writing development is a key factor for progress in the HE sector.

Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa. (2004). A Report on the Teaching of Writing in Higher Education. Reports esearch on teaching writing in universities: attitudes, methods and ways forward. Influenced the above report. Available from the above RLF link.

McMahon, Katharine. (2004). What’s Going On with Student Writing? A Study Commissioned by the Royal Literary Fund.
A study of academic writing skills that students need in higher education in the UK. Based on the premise that many students 'struggle with assignments in the first year of university'. Includes material on school/university transition and chapters on the teaching of writing in primary and secondary schools.
Available from the above RLF link.
Main concern, however, is ‘academic writing standards’ and says very little about new media, literacy practices and almost nothing about multilingualism.

Across the Disciplines (online journal)

Professional and Research Associations



and SIG Writing Publications Archive at



WAC Clearinghouse

Writing at Work

Books and articles on writing at work and in professional communities
Bazerman, C. and Paradis, J. eds. (1991). Textual Dynamics of the Professions. University of Wisconsin Press.

Bargiella-Chiappini, F. and Nickerson, C. (1999). Writing Business: Genres, Media and Discourses. Pearson.

Belfiore, M.E., Defoe, T.A., Folinsbee, J.H. and Jackson, N.S. (2004). Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Dias, P, Freedman, A., Medway, P. and Pare, A. eds. (1999). Worlds Apart: Acting and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts. Mahwah, NJ and London: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Dias, P. and Pare, A. eds. (2000). Transitions. Writing in Academic and Workplace Settings. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Garay, M.S. and Bernhardt, S. eds. (1998). Expanding Literacies: English Teaching and the New Workplace. Albany: SUNY Press.

Gee, J.P., Hull, G. and Lankshear, C. eds. (1996). The New Work Order: Behind the Language of the New Capitalism. Westview Press.

Gunnarson, B-L., Linell, P. and Nordberg, B. (1997). The Construction of Professional Discourse. Longman.

Hull, G. ed. (1997). Changing Work, Changing Workers: Critical Perspectives on Language, Literacy, and Skills. Albany: SUNY Press.

O'Barr, W. (1982). Linguistic Evidence: Language, Power and Strategy in the Courtroom. New York: Academic Press.

O'Dell and Goswami eds. (1985). Writing in Non-academic Settings. New York: Guilford Press).

Orlikowski, W. and Yates, J. (1994). 'Genre Repertoire: Norms and Forms for Work and Interaction'. MIT Sloan School Working Paper #3671-94. Memos and proposals in organisational communication. See here.

Pennell, M. (2007). '"If Knowledge is Power, You're About to Become Very Powerful": Literacy and Labor Market Intermediaries in Postindustrial America' in College Composition and Communication, 58:3, 345-384.

Sullivan, P. and Dautermann, J. (1996). Electronic Literacies in the Workplace: Technologies of Writing. Urbana, Il: NCTE.

Yates, J. (1989). Control through Communication: the Rise of System in American Management. John Hopkins University Press.
Rise of the memo as an organisational genre.